Jeremiah 29:11

11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

1 Corinthians 16: 13-14

13 Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. 14 Do everything in love.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

IVF Day 7 of Stims!

Well, we've been stimming for 7 days now. Our ultrasound on day 6 of stims showed that we had a total of 6 follicles measuring between 10 mm to 14 mm and my estrogen level was at 463. The RE was thrilled with the estrogen level and decided to keep us on the same iu of follistim. On Day 5, we added 1 vial of Menopur (75 iu) to our shot regiment in the morning. Today, we also started taking the Ganirelix shot in the morning. Ganirelix keeps me from prematurely ovulating. So now I'm doing a total of 3 shots in the morning and 1 shot in the evening.

Tomorrow morning we have our 3rd u/s. I'm hoping there will be another 6+ viable follicles for a total of 12 follicles. I'm thinking they should be measuring somewhere between 11 mm to 16 mm. Up to this point, my left ovary has been somewhat quiet letting my right ovary do all the work. Hopefully the left ovary has joined in the team effort.

The IVF process amazes me. We can only do so much and I'm thankful to God that we do have the technology to do IVF yet it is still all in the hands of God. Everything from how my body responds to the medications, the number of eggs actually retrieved to the fertilization process. Then there is the process of waiting and praying that the eggs that do fertilize grow and divide into strong, healthy embryo's. Throughout the process, I'm amazed at how the hand of God is so much in control.

Both Mike and I have struggled with our anger, frustration and dissapointment with God with the our lack of success getting pregnant. As we've been doing a bible study together, we've been able to share and turn over to God our frustrations. We continue to pray that God will bless us with a healthy 9-month pregnancy.

My feelings and emotions have been all over the board. This cycle has been much more emotional for me. During the day, I find myself feeling weepy over the smallest emotional trigger. Thankfully, my RE gave the go ahead to continue doing water aerobics which I find to be a huge stress reliever and very relaxing. It also helps alievate the IVF bloat. While feeling emotional, I'm also extremely excited, ecstatic and very hopeful with our progress up this point. This cycle I feel much more positive about the whole process in general. I think it helps that we started this IVF cycle on the same day as my God-Daughter, Kerrigan's, 10th birthday. I'm also hopeful that Egg Retrieval will be on August 15th which is my Grandma's birthday. Even if we have Egg Retrieval on August 14th (a good possibility), I am thrilled that it is so close to Grandma's birthday. It does surprise me how "time" consuming IVF is and, to some extent, exhausting. There is so much to keep track of with shots, tracking medication and making sure I have enough medication to get me to our trigger day. Sometimes it feels overwhelming and on those days I'm really glad that Mike bought me a palm pilot to help keep track of everything. That little palm pilot was definitely an excellent purchase. Well, I'm rambling...

To be honest, with my current emotional state on drugs I feel "spacey." My thoughts are all over the place and I find it difficult to concentrate.

Please keep praying for us. Again, we are very excited about this IVF and hopeful. God is definitely in control and we know that he has plans for us. Plans for our future which we, hope and pray, will include children... Of course, we are "secretly" praying for TWINS! Ok... not so secret!


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