Jeremiah 29:11

11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

1 Corinthians 16: 13-14

13 Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. 14 Do everything in love.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Thoughts of Infertility and Trying to Conceive (TTC)...

We have been TTC for just a little over 2 1/2 years. It seems like it has been a lifetime of trying with so much disappointment. I figured we might have some difficulties achieving a pregnancy but I never dreamed we would go through everything we gone through to date. Mike admits that he thought I was just blowing steam and blowing things out of proportion. Now we both look back and wonder at our naivete at the whole process.

The Endometrial Cancer was an unexpected roadblock that slowed us down briefly. The doctors all said that the cancer shouldn't have an effect on our ability to conceive once it had been treated and was no longer present. The treatment we used was drug called Megace. I surprisingly did extremely well on Megace without all the side effects I was told would happen. In January 2008, It will be 2 years since I found out about the cancer and started treatment.

After being diagnosed as cancer free, we started with Intrauterine Insemination's (IUI's). Our first round of IUI's included using clomid. Clomid is horrid stuff! It surprises me how many Ob/Gyn's prescribe clomid with so much regularity without proper monitoring or for way too many months. Through my infertility experience I've learned that Clomid is really only a short-term consideration and should only be used for a few months at one time. After the Clomid, we moved onto injectable drugs. Specifically, we started using Follistim.

We did a total of 5 IUI's using injectable drugs. On our 3rd IUI we did get pregnant but unfortunately miscarried around 6 weeks. Our miscarriage was the week after Thanksgiving 2006. Basically, a year ago! After actually getting pregnant I had so much hope that we were soooo close and that we wouldn't be waiting much longer. Unfortunately, this past year has been disappointing with no pregnancy. We did do another IUI shortly after the miscarriage but that ended in a BFN.

In February 2007, we started down the path to IVF. We decided that since I would be turning 38 in March that it was time to move onto a path we felt was more of a sure thing. Our RE offers a shared-risk IVF program which we were hoping we would still be able to do even though we were over the "cut-off" age for acceptance. After having my FSH and E2 levels tested and the results coming back normal, we were accepted into the program with a slightly higher fee.

Our 1st IVF cycle started in early May after a delay resulting for some ovarian cysts. We were bummed out that our cycle kept being pushed back but were thrilled, excited and so positive when we finally started our IVF cycle. We were on a Long Lupron protocol. Everything started out great and the response was looking pretty good. However, as the cycle continued I had 3 follicles that started to race ahead of the other follicles in size. Finally, the RE called to say that he was going to have to cancel the cycle and convert it to an IUI. We were devastated by the news and, again, disappointed.

The 2nd IVF cycle we started on August 3rd which was my niece's birthday. This time we were doing an Antagonist Protocol. Our excitement started to climb as the cycle continued. The follicles were growing and we were responding exactly as was expected. The follicle count was doing extremely well and they were fairly close in size. This was the cycle where we finally made it to Egg Retrieval. Our Embryo Transfer was a Day 5 transfer with 2 nice embryo's. We transferred a Grade 1 Blastocyst and a Grade 2 Morula. After all was said and done, a BFN was the result. However, we were able to freeze 2 embryo's.

In October, we started our 3rd IVF cycle. This cycle was als on the Antagonist Protocol with a slight change. Our RE added estrogen patches at the start of the cycle to help improve my endometrial lining. He also increased the Menopur to 150 iu starting on Stim Day 1. On paper, the cycle looked excellent and I appeared to responding extremely well. We ended up triggering on a Sunday (one day earlier than on our previous cycle) with my E2 levels at 1400. At the Egg Retrieval they retrieved a total of 19 eggs. I was SHOCKED!!! At our last u/s and based on our E2 levels I was thinking (along with the RE) that we would retrieve around 7 or 8 eggs. Unfortunately, that is where the good news ended. Of the 19 eggs retrieved, 15 were usable and only 6 fertilized. Of the 6 that fertilized only 4 made it and were still thriving as of 5 days after retrieval. The embryologist called and pushed us back to a 6 day transfer. On the day of our transfer, we found out that 2 more embryo's had arrested and now we only had 2 embryos that remained. We transferred a Grade 3 Blastocyst and Grade 3 Morula. We were extremely disappointed as we were hoping to have a couple more to freeze.

As it currently stands, we are waiting for our "what went wrong" appointment with our RE scheduled for December 11th. I also have to go back in for another FSH and E2 test for the shared-risk program. It is my understanding that the Shared-Risk program is concerned that my FSH may have climbed now indicating that my eggs are "old." Our RE is expecting that the FSH hormone levels will indicate a normal.

If everything goes as planned, we should be starting our 4th IVF cycle in January. The plan is that we will switch to donor sperm and probably get the donor sperm from the California Cryobank. We will also use a process called ICSI in the hopes that we will have a better fertilization rate and improved embryo quality.

In the meantime, I've been doing some research about Embryo Adoption. I'm open to trying Embryo Adoption. The RE really seems to think that we can get pregnant and if it can't be with our own eggs, I'm willing to give up on any genetic link to try Embryo Adoption. There are many unborn children just waiting for the opportunity to be born. Part of the process also requires that we do a home study which would also be our first step towards any adoption process. On Monday, I am going to meet with another woman that I recently met that is pregnant through Embryo Adoption. In a small way, it gives me hope that maybe there is still another option that may allow me to be pregnant and for Mike and I to enjoy a healthy 9 month pregnancy.

My dreams of being pregnant have taken a serious blow. I'm not giving up on that dream but I also dream of being a Mom and Mike dreams of someday being a Dad. Slowly we are opening up to accepting other options. However, I'm NOT even close to giving up yet on my dream of being pregnant for a wonderful 9 months.

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